Our Staff

Our Staff:
Mony, Daniel, David, Barry, Krisna, Reaksmey (back row); Sam Oun, Mealy, Somethea, Sophea, Chhunly, Lida, and Sokha (front)
Peace Bridges is committed to developing and delivering programs to help partner organizations and community peacebuilders engage conflict in creative and constructive ways. Our staff come from different continents and provinces, from different backgrounds and experiences, but we work together to build peace in our own lives and throughout Cambodia.

Together, we can help each other to not only equip those who are working with peace, but also to encourage and empower them.

Our Training & Mobilization Unit offers direct training to peacebuilders in both long term (Conflict Counseling & Mediation Training, 13 weeks) and short term consultancies. We then continue this work by: coordinating a Peace Alliance for alumni to review, learn new skills, and encourage each other; helping peacebuilders design and implement peace programs in their communities; and developing partnerships with organizations working for peace.

Our Administrative & Finance Unit provides the necessary support for a busy schedule that takes our staff across Cambodia, as well as by helping facilitate our training programs and developing their own skills.

Our Family Violence Project is helping Peace Bridges respond to the urgent needs of Cambodian families by empowering communities, equipping peacebuilders, and encouraging churches. A pilot program (6 units, January - June 2010) is being developed to equip peacebuilders to understand family conflict and violence, build family reconciliation processes, and plan community programs to support healthy family systems.

And our Organizational Leadership provides ongoing support and vision for embodying this important vision of peace. This includes our director, general services manager, staff mentor, and board of governance.

We also offer direct services through providing mediation for conflicting parties and conflict counseling for those involved in the stress of conflict.

For a more personal glimpse at our staff, please follow the links below.

Training & Mobilization Unit
Mr. Sar Sokhapong Daniel, Coordinator
Mr. Lang Reaksmey
Mr. So Sam Oun
Mrs. Keut ChhunLy
Administration & Finance Unit

          Ms. Na Solida
          Ms. Ros Chansophea

Mrs. Ma Somethea, Coordinator
Mr. Pun Krisna
Mrs. Oum Mealy
 Organizational Leadership

         Mr. Som Chanmony, Director
         Barry Higgins, Advisor
         Mr. Nop Sokha, Staff Mentor and Partnership Coordinator
         Board of Governance